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Last flights (UR-WRI)


Airbus A321 (UR-WRI)

LUKK flights: 317 hours: 668.7


 Engine: IAE V2533-A5
 Maximum range: 4,000 nm
 Flight level: F390
 Cruising airspeed: 454 knot
Empty weight: 104.720 lbs
Maximum weight: 205.911 lbs
Landing weight: 171.519 lbs
Maximum fuel: 50.710 lbs
Crew: 2 + 2
First class: --
Business class: --
Economy class: 218
Payload total: 46.740 lbs
Flaps 10° 235 knot
Flaps 15° 215 knot
Flaps 35° 190 knot
 Vmax gear extension 250 knot
 Vmax gear retraction 220 knot
 Vmax gear extended 280 knot
 Tail strike pitch 11.2°
Navigation equipment:  L
no information
RVSM approved P-RNAV approved
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